Friday, July 29, 2011

The Third Party

The United States system, from the very beginnings of our partisan Republic under President Washington, has tended to be run by two parties. The first two were the Democratic Republicans, who tended to follow Jefferson and the Federalists, who tended to follow Alexander Hamilton and helped our second President, John Adams (but not enough to get him re-elected for a second term).

Some years I read a lot about this in a very good book entitled American Aurora: A Democratic-Republican Returns. The book's author, Richard N. Rosenfeld edits together excerpts from the Philadelphia Aurora, a newspaper that was published by Benjamin Franklin's grandson, Benjamin Bache, and later by William Duane, this newspaper was certainly not on the side of President Washington and absolutely dead set against John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. You also read articles from the opposing newspapers of that era, offering rebuttals and supporting their side. The book is listed by Amazon as "out of print, which is a real shame. People should be reading it now to better understand the rise of "faux news" as the Murdoch empire promulgates it. Another parallel was the pressure on the Press of that era to make enough money to survive. The Philadelphia Aurora received printing jobs from the Democratic-Republicans, while opposing newspapers, such as the Gazette of the United States received printing jobs from the Federalists. Were it not for the extra money earned from printing everything from official documents for the United States to commissioned pamphlets, these newspapers would have failed.

Today, we have a government that has tended to create a two-party system. When Jefferson won his first election, most of the states had decided on a winner-take-all system for electors (because they opposed Adams) and this continues to this day, denying third parties the Presidency with regularity. And, in Congress, since the end of Reconstruction, there have been a total of 31 U.S. Senators, 111 Representatives, and 22 Governors that weren't affiliated with a major party. That's not a lot since the 1870s.

But today, we have a third party that is involved in affairs in the House of Representatives and is also a threat to Republican members of Congress. It's the Tea Party. The Tea Party has its own sources of funding. And they have their own grass roots movements. But they're acting, not like a loyal segment of the Republican Party, they're acting mostly on their own. And they're refusing to cooperate with Speaker Boehner's agenda, for the most part.

Here is how the Republicans can stop this:

They can declare the Tea Party not loyal and not Republican, refusing to allow their candidates to run against Republicans in primaries. After all, registered Democrats cannot run against Republicans in primaries, so why should Tea Party candidates? This keeps Republican seats safe from primary challenges and takes the fear away from them.

And Speaker Boehner can declare his Republicans capable of dealing with either of the two smaller parties in the House of Representatives. So if the Tea Party freshmen won't back him, he'll just cross the aisle and compromise with the Democrats. Either way, he leads. Either way, he wins. And since the Tea Party cannot run against him or any Republican candidate in a primary, they're able to campaign as the center movement in America. Not lefties like Democrats, not hard-line Nazis like the Tea Party.

For too long, the Press has not seen the Tea Party for what it is. It is its own entity. It is not Republican and it is not Democrat. And one thing I have noted is that the Tea Party platform favors something that only one other political party in the United States has ever favored: The complete dismemberment of American government. The party that favors dismantling our government, along with the Tea Party is the Communist Party—though after the fall of the Soviet Union, I have to wonder if they still have any members left.

So I would invite Speaker Boehner to see the Tea Party as their own thing and not caucus with them. He can do more and win more by compromising with the larger, Democratic, Party and push this radical group into the corner, where they belong.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hate. Crime.

I am troubled by what happened in Norway and have been corresponding with a friend of mine named Howard. He's a great guy. Probably one of the best and most knowledgeable computer and video nerds this planet has produced. And he worked for a religious organization, keeping really antiquated computers running with new software—despite all odds.

He is bothered by what is being said about Anders Behring Breivik, the norwegian killer who has caused so much grief in Norway this past week. Apparently, Breivik is a "Christian," though I don't know what kind of Christianity condones what he did. Problem is, I can see that my friend, Howard, is really troubled by this, as his faith is being challenged.

Here's what I wrote my friend, Howard, about this hate crime:

Howard, you see the world through a lens of Christianity and I understand that. You are a devout man and your devotion obviously has its rewards.

You will get prickly replies because, frankly, everyone in Norway is pissed off at what is happening in the United States and what happened here after September 11, 2001, when Bush decided he, then, had a right to go after an adversary that was not involved. And some of the same people who were "with" Bush and not "against" Bush (as was Norway) are, right now, threatening the entire world with a deeper recession or another recession by saying that the United States does not need to raise its debt limit and does not need to worry about those consequences.

About the only thing Americans can and should offer Norway is our heartfelt condolences with no explanation.

This is a Norwegian September 11 and everyone in Norway believed that their country would be spared any of this because of the kind of society they are and because of their tolerance for all people.

Howard then sent me something that Craig L. Parshall, Sr. VP & General Counsel for the National Religious Broadcasters here in the US wrote, trying to distance his Christians from this "Christian."

Here is what I wrote back:

As regards the "Christian Fundamentalist" message you sent. I don't forget that Dr. George Richard Tiller's murderer, Scott Roeder considers himself a "Christian," even though he murdered him in his church, after the Doctor had just finished his duties as an usher there. I do note that it used to be considered an absolute mortal sin to cause someone's death, to lie, to steal or to disobey any of the ten Commandments on holy ground, such as in a church. In fact, The idea comes from the original Judeo-Christian concept of Sanctuary, where persons fleeing the law could go to places of worship and be protected.

In the Old Testament, God commanded Moses to set aside cities and places of refuge in Canaan where the persecuted could seek asylum. This concept can also be found in ancient Roman law, medieval canon law and British common law.

For a good source of the legal justification of this (in the 1980s), please see:

So one could honestly argue that Roeder isn't a Christian, really. But he did participate in "Operation Rescue" which is a Fundamentalist Christian-run organization, mostly out of California, who literally moved to Wichita to run 24-hour protests. He was associated with the Montana "Freemen" movement, which is what you would have to call extremist right-wing.

Here is where the similarity begins between Scott Roeder and Anders Behring Breivik: Heated rhetoric. "Operation Rescue" and other anti-abortion groups would frequently post "hit lists" on the Internet, as well as create signs and wanted posters for specific individuals who were involved in clinics they didn't like. There is substantial evidence that Roeder participated with these groups, listened to their rhetoric and did his best to amplify it. He also acted on it.

Breivik participated with a group called QFF.
In 2002, he stated in his journal that he was "ordinated as the 8th Justiciar Knight" with them. Part of the reason why nobody suspected that he was a problem is because he formed and ran his conspiracies on the Internet. By July, 2010, he stated that he had "successfully finished the 'armour acquisition phase' and [had] created an armour cache" that he buried in the forest.

Breivik was a frequenter of various websites all dealing with right-wing hate groups who are xenophobic racists. He contributed to these sites. and his mass murder was as frightening as Timothy McVeigh's attack on the Federal office building in Oklahoma City. These xenophobic groups all consider themselves as Christians and use Christian labels for their status in their society.

Problem is, here in the United States, we have less supposedly radical groups taking over our Republican party. I call your attention to Sharron Angle, with her "Second Amendment solutions" to losses in the ballot box, to Sarah Palin's "Don't retreat, reload!" exhortations and the connection that Arizona's SB-1070 has to The Immigration Law Reform Institute (ILRI), a racist hate group. They, in turn, are affiliated with a group called the Federation for American Immigration Immigration Reform (FAIR). FAIR's founder, John Taunton is an avowed racist and key members are members of white supremacist groups, spreading racist conspiracy theories. The less-extreme help the extremists by giving them cover through rhetoric. And they get the more extreme all set to justify their manifesto of intolerance and violence.

So don't look to Norway and Europe as the only place this arises. It has happened here and will probably happen again here if we fan the flames of this intolerant rhetoric.

Howard, I think it would be absolutely illegal for me to specifically campaign against and single out one religious group for it's specific destruction. Especially were I to get together with co-conspirators and publish photos of the principal people in the organization as "Wanted," paint bulls eyes on them, put them on a list of people who would be better dead, follow them home, publish their addresses and phone numbers, take photos of the outsides of their homes, along with any children they had, threaten all employees who worked for them—even part-time—and call them nightly to let them know they are being watched (all of this is what the groups who were in Wichita were doing leading up to Dr. Tiller's death).

The beginning of this kind of behavior is a decision—that a group, a person, an ethnic variation, someone who does not believe as you do—is something external, outside and to be not appreciated for the basic humanity that inhabits them.

Listen to those who speak to you and listen for speech that excludes others as "apostates," "non-believers," "infidels," "unholy," "un-righteous." Don't trust that speech because, as a matter of fact, we're all on this planet, this fragile blue orb, this spaceship Earth—together. And nobody has any right to take away anyone else's rights. And nobody gets to say that all people cannot be happy just as they are at the level of consciousness they have, thus far, attained.

Monday, July 18, 2011

On Taxes

Grover Norquist was recently on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews and affirmed that he is holding the line on no new tax hikes to increase revenues. No matter what, he doesn't want the United States Federal government to increase taxes, despite the fact that they are at an all-time low (since the 1930s).

Norquist's "Pledge" is useful, from the standpoint of clarifying how taking a stand does not work in government.

I was talking with a friend of mine recently who told me that he wants our government to be run more like a corporation or a company. And I really like my friend but I told him that he was absolutely never going to get any government by wanting one run like a company. Because here's what happens in a company:

The CEO makes a decision. the Board votes to implement it, all managers toe the line and everyone in the company starts to produce what the CEO told them to produce. If the company is lucky and the CEO is making good decisions, the company prospers and the shareholders all get paid.

But our country works on the basis of varying opinions. You may wish we had larger highways, while my priorities are for more trees and lakes. I may want your highways to go around my trees and lakes, while you may see that the best way to get from Point A to Point B is a straight line. If we're run like a company, the CEO decides and we don't get a say in the matter. If we're run like a government, we may be able to compromise. I get some of my lakes and trees, you get a straighter road than you might have gotten if I had my way.

Norquist is having none of that.

He wants his straight highway and, "to heck with the consequences." Problem is, he's somehow influencing a lot of politicians who are, unfortunately, very happy to paint themselves into a corner. And here is why I have a problem with Mr. Norquist: He was never elected by the people. He is basically saying that he is going to run the United States government by holding politicians to a "pledge," as if it were more important than the Constitution of the United States, national defense, or the Fair Faith and Credit of our country.

Again, I remind you, dear reader, Mr. Norquist does not hold any elective office. He has never held any elective office.

Here's what taxes really are, despite what Mr. Norquist would have you believe.

We all pool our money to provide something for ourselves that we, individually cannot afford. I cannot build a road. Don't have the money. I also cannot afford to hire a full-time teacher for my daughter and build a road. I can't maintain the roads I drive on. I don't have a large enough yard for a leach field and I don't think I could hand-dig a well and put in a cistern like my grandparents did on their plot of land. And I certainly cannot afford to build a municipal water supply and sewer system. Or a water treatment plant.

But if we all kick in to a common pot, we can get all of that done and more. So, we all agreed to do that and now, we have taxes. But we have services, too. We can send our children to public schools and, when we meet the teachers, we discover that they are qualified. We don't even think of what happens when we flush the toilet and, when we turn on the tap, we expect water that is clean and won't cause cholera.

We get in our car and drive on roads and occasionally run across a pothole. But mostly, the road is smooth. And there are sidewalks. And our trash is picked up. And in the winter, our streets are plowed. All, courtesy of our taxes.

Now there are some areas of this country where you have to take your own trash to the dump. Other areas where snow plows do not go. Still others where potholes have such longevity that you think, "When it's 21, I'll buy it a drink." But we all receive a lot of services we pretty much take for granted from our government. And I'd say our taxes are pretty low and our government is pretty honest.

So here's my message to Mr. Norquist: I didn't elect you to be so much as my dog-catcher. But you ought to be. Because even a dog catcher understands that taxes mean the people who provide public services all get paid a living wage. And the people paying those taxes get service that they're paying for. And the end result is a good town, city, county, state and country.